Last year, the Ministry of Health & Wellness, through the Nutrition Unit and in collaboration with the Public Health Unit, embarked on a Salt Reduction/ Healthy [...]
But the UDP now says its Cabinet “vehemently rejected” the Bill “written by technocrats” then, and does “categorically and emphatically” reject it now.
That gives you approximately two weeks to get your official Cancer Walk T-shirts from the Belize Cancer Society and official partner Print Inc, but get moving [...]
According to a government release, villagers alerted the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour, and Local Government of possible and deliberate contamination of the village's [...]
On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, the Ministry of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, and Religious Affairs wants public servants to know [...]
The BBS, located under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Safety and Enterprise, provides oversight for standards in the efficiency and competitive production of goods and services [...]
But a young Belize City woman claims she has been subject to sexual abuse by her stepfather since childhood, and that police allegedly dragged their feet [...]