April 27, 2022

Former Orange Walk Area Representative Ruben Campos laid to rest today

Campos, who died at age 70 on Friday, April 22 after an extended period of illness, was laid to rest in his beloved Orange Walk, after [...]
April 27, 2022

“COVID-19 pandemic not over at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital,” says Chief Executive Officer

"For the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, the pandemic is still very real. Remember, anybody that needs hospitalization, for the most part, ends up here at the [...]
April 27, 2022

COVID update: More recoveries than new cases, breaking recent trend

According to the Ministry of Health and Wellness, just ten new cases were reported today compared to 22 recoveries, reducing the number of active cases to [...]
April 27, 2022

Caribbean Examinations Council delays 2022 regional examinations to late May

The Council reviewed feedback from regional Ministries of Education and recommendations from CXC’s School Examinations Committee (SEC) in light of the continuing impact of COVID-19 on [...]
April 27, 2022

Facebook user alleges that the fire department took over 40 minutes to arrive at the scene of a Belize City fire; Department does not agree

Station Chief Kenneth Mortis said that the building was completely engulfed in flames when fire personnel arrived; however, he maintains that their arrival time was prompt.
April 27, 2022

Shane Bennett, convicted of murder, to be additionally charged with wounding a police officer and escaping lawful custody

Bennett was apprehended by Police Corporal (Cpl) Gregory Cayetano after a struggle that ended with him in custody and Cpl Cayetano with an injury to his [...]
April 27, 2022

Beekeepers, Agriculture Extension Officers visit apiaries on Thursday, Friday for hands on training during Advanced Beekeeping Management Workshop

Twenty beekeepers and five Ministry of Agriculture Extension Officers from the Belize, Orange Walk, and Corozal Districts are visiting local apiaries on Thursday and Friday as [...]
April 27, 2022

30 Belizean students are now in Colombia for a 90-day Agricultural Labor Technical Training Program

By Rubén Morales Iglesias
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