Some of the blame was placed on leading industrial giant Belize Sugar Industries Limited/American Sugar Refining (BSI/ASR) for not properly treating its waste from factory operations.
Fifty-three-year-old Gordon Charles Jenkins appeared in the Belize City Magistrate's Court this week to answer to a charge of obtaining property by deception.
An official police report says that Asnaney had gone to the restaurant along with his wife 44-year-old Manisha Asnaney around 8:30 to pick up food. While [...]
The agreement will reduce taxes on 199 Belizean products while Belize will do likewise with industrial products from Taiwan, according to the Liberty Times.
For the period July to September 2021, the total value of goods and services produced within Belize was $649.7 million, which represents an increase of 15.2 [...]