CIBCL is located in Carmelita Village, in Orange Walk, and is a Belizean company through and through! In their press release, CIBCL stated that they were [...]
On one end of the spectrum are some notable Belizean Public figures who have voiced their opinions against the holiday. One of which is attorney, Audrey [...]
Barrow noted the “exemplary performance” of ComPol Chester Williams in “managing impoverished, crime ridden communities such as Mesopotamia” and declared “the Police were overworked and underpaid”.
NGC is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the Government of Belize (GOB) and Belize’s private sector whose establishment filled a critical need for a rapidly [...]
Photos and videos from the scene were described as horrifying by many, and the riots were condemned by many world leaders. The Ministry of Foreign affairs [...]