August 23, 2021

Police track down stolen goods through Facebook buy and sell page, one man charged

Akeem Ferguson, 26, appeared unrepresented and pleaded guilty to the charge. He was granted bail in the sum of $1,500.00 plus one surety of the same [...]
August 23, 2021

If you’re getting vaccinated in Independence area, here’s where you can go

Vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine for all persons between the ages of 12 to 17 is according to the following schedule:
August 23, 2021

Boy, 12, reports ‘forcible sexual assault’ during tutoring class

The boy, 12, and his mother told police that around 10 a.m. Saturday the boy was picked up by his English tutor and taken to class [...]
August 23, 2021

Twelve-year-old girl suffers rape ordeal in home bathroom

The girl and her mother, whom we will not identify to protect the victim's identity, told police that on Saturday evening around 7:50 p.m., she had [...]
August 23, 2021

COVID-19 UPDATE 3: Belize City adds 39 new cases, none in San Ignacio

San Pedro Town added 20 new cases as the Belize District saw 78 of the 141 total cases reported.
August 23, 2021

Dr. Fernando Cuellar among 15 persons hospitalized with COVID-19

The Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) maintains the primary COVID-19 unit with ventilators and other equipment but has been stretched to capacity in recent days as [...]
August 23, 2021

Vaccinations continue in Orange Walk in the town and villages

Regular vaccination for all persons 18 and above is being conducted at the People’s Stadium every day up to Friday, August 27, from 9 am to [...]
August 23, 2021

Ministry of Health & Wellness calling for volunteers to help with vaccination drive

“Reach out if you can help us with our vaccination activities,” said the MoHW on social media in its effort to ramp up the vaccination campaign [...]
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