August 13, 2021

BREAKING: Decomposed body found in “Mosquitoville”, Cayo District

More details to follow.
August 13, 2021

Cost of Diesel goes down marginally in latest gas price adjustment

The latest price adjustment takes Diesel fuel from $10.65 to $10.62 per gallon, a reduction of 3 cents.
August 13, 2021

United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorizes COVID-19 vaccine booster shot for people whose immune systems are weakened

The FDA decision follows studies which show that these people’s immunity may not be enough to counteract the serious complications caused by COVID-19 should they get infected.
August 13, 2021

BREAKING: Body of David Klassen found this afternoon

Klassen went under about the same time Thursday afternoon as he tried to save a little girl hanging on a tree branch. The girl was later [...]
August 13, 2021

Ministry of Health and Wellness welcomes new Cuban Medical Brigade with sensitization session

The Ministry said the session was held to familiarize the recently arrived Cuban medical personnel with Belize’s health system, according to a statement by the Government [...]
August 13, 2021

Amandala celebrates 52 years of circulation

Evan X Hyde, its publisher and now chairman of the Kremandala organization, says the first issue of the Amandala was circulated on Friday, August 13, 1969.
August 13, 2021

Body of David Klassen being sought after rescue attempt

According to farmer Miguel Tzul, Klassen, 28, a farmer of Billy White village, Cayo District came to him informing that a girl was in the river [...]
August 13, 2021

Over 2,000 more people vaccinated as efforts continue countrywide

The number of people receiving shots as of August 12, 2021, was 2,332. This includes those who received the AstraZeneca and Sinopharm vaccines.
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