Slaves first came to Belize according to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology in 1724 by way of Jamaica, originating from the Niger and [...]
The latest vaccination report from the Ministry of Health and Wellness said that as of Friday, July 30, 51,220 Belizeans had been fully vaccinated (received two [...]
Shemar Nicholas is believed to have accosted and shot 24-year-old Matthew Gutierrez at the corner of Kraal Road and Haynes Street this morning just before 9, [...]
James Bus Line reports that several employees have tested positive for COVID-19. To avoid continued community spread, the Ministry of Health and Wellness has ordered James [...]
High temperatures today are 87 degrees Fahrenheit along the coast, 92 degrees inland and 78 degrees in the hills. Tonight, temperatures reach 80 degrees Fahrenheit along [...]