July 23, 2021

Belize Defense Force soldiers complete Quarter Master training

A total of 19 officers successfully completed the Belize Defence Force Company Quartermaster Course 01-21 which was held June 7-July 23. The main facilitator for the [...]
July 23, 2021

AstraZeneca is the most widely accepted COVID-19 vaccine for world travel

After tourism dropped 74% worldwide, the industry is bouncing back particularly after 3.7 billion vaccines have been administered globally. However, The Economist points out, that not [...]
July 23, 2021

Health Minister keeps Hamid Awe on payroll after suspension rather than termination as he initially committed to

Awe used his status as the Minister’s driver to basically challenge Police on their treatment of his son, which turned some people off.
July 23, 2021

Authorities condemn shooting of Bottlenose Dolphin

Authorities say that a team from the Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development (SACD) confirmed the report of a dead dolphin in the area and that [...]
July 23, 2021

First round of custody battle goes to Andrew Ashcroft as Jasmine Hartin calls court decision “unfair”

This week the Belize Family Court determined Andrew, 43, should have interim custody pending further hearing, according to Channel 5 News.
July 23, 2021

Renata Samuels chosen for the Youth in Focus Spotlight by US Embassy

Co-host of the Sun Up on 7 Morning Show, Renata is also the U-Report Officer for the Department of Youth Services, and aspires to be Prime [...]
July 23, 2021

National Meteorological Service: Weather phenomenon in Billy White, Cayo not a tornado

Breaking Belize News spoke with Deputy Chief Meteorological Officer, Michelle Augustine, who explained that the extreme winds were the work of a powerful, isolated thunderstorm.
July 23, 2021

Laddie Gillett to be laid to rest today; family proposes “Laddie’s Law” on police engagement

We have not been able to directly reach any family to confirm such.
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