January 7, 2024

Taxi driver faces at least three months off the road for not licensing, insuring vehicle

50-year-old Raymond Montes pleaded guilty to both offenses and was fined $250 and court costs due by February 29. But his bigger worry is that the [...]
January 7, 2024

Eleven years later, quadruple murder at Dean and Plues Streets remains unsolved

Sometime between January 7 and 8, 2013, Keino Quallo, Albert Fuentes, Anthony Perez and Leonard Myers were viciously murdered at their shared residence at the corner [...]
January 7, 2024

Siblings at war – Brother is charged with harming his sister during a family dispute over whose turn it was to use kitchen sink

According to Cheyli Gutierrez, on January 3 she was preparing food at the kitchen sink when Angel walked in and moved the faucet away from the [...]
January 7, 2024

Inked agreement in sugar industry still not signed as farmers told to wait

In an urgent notice the BSCFA writes, "The contract with BSI has not yet been signed for reasons that BSI [Belize Sugar Industries Limited] has made [...]
January 7, 2024

Police name suspect in Christon Logan murder

At about 2:58 a.m. according to police, they responded to a report in the village in front of an establishment and found Logan, 34, apparently dead.
January 6, 2024

International News: World Health Organization reports almost 600 attacks on Gaza and West Bank medical facilities since war began

According to Yahoo, 613 people have died within Occupied Palestinian Territory since Hamas attacked Israel October 7.
January 6, 2024

Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association thanks unions, Belizeans for unwavering support

“We got the support of many other groups especially the leaders from Toledo that sent out a letter, sent out a release, demonstrating their support to [...]
January 6, 2024

Police deals with contraband sugar moving over Belize’s borders

“While yes, we have established that the sugar was purchased from BSI by a person who is legally authorized to purchase from BSI, that person has [...]
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