January 1, 2024

Opposition Leader looks forward to end of “PUP punishment” at municipal elections, lays out plans for future government

He cited the resilience of Belizeans in overcoming past challenges and disasters to begin the process of removing the divided, indifferent, and broken government at the [...]
January 1, 2024

Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association to meet on Tuesday amid feelings of stalemate

Despite Government negotiators confirming that there has been some budging on the issue of the length of the Commercial Agreement and the handling of the Fairtrade [...]
December 31, 2023
belize sugar cane

Why Belize must import white sugar from U.S. for now

It seemed unthinkable, but then so did the idea that locally produced sugar was much more greatly valued in Guatemala and Mexico than at home – [...]
December 31, 2023

‘John Doe’ identified as Eugene Martinez, 44

By Aaron Humes: Eugene Martinez, 44, has been identified as the ‘John Doe’ whose body was recovered on Regent Street on Christmas morning. According to family [...]
December 31, 2023

Belize Weather: Mainly fair and cool to close 2023

Average high temperatures forecast today will be 74 degrees Fahrenheit in coastal areas; 73 degrees in the interior and 61 degrees in the hills. Tonight’s low [...]
December 30, 2023

Robbers hit Rainbow Town Supermarket in Corozal

The proprietor of Rainbow Town Supermarket on Fifth Street North reported that just before 8 p.m. Friday, a masked and armed man held her up at [...]
December 30, 2023

Belize Weather: Getting colder

High temperatures stall at 73 degrees Fahrenheit along the coast, 68 degrees over inland areas and 59 degrees in the hills, then fall to 65 degrees [...]
December 29, 2023

One person injured as vehicle overturns on San Estevan Road near bridge

Information to Breaking Belize News (BBN) is that emergency teams responded to an accident reported 500 yards past the San Estevan Bridge. They found a vehicle [...]
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