October 17, 2023

Belize Rejects Being Placed on EU List of “Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions for Tax Purposes”

Today, the European Union (EU) issued an updated list of “non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes” (the “Annex I list”) adopted by the European Union’s Council. The [...]
October 17, 2023

Moses “Shyne” Barrow offers ‘reset,’ says he apologizes for ‘Speaker [taking] offense’ to email

What Barrow offers is “in the spirit of a reset to offer my apologies for the offense you took to my email [of] August 10th.”
October 17, 2023

Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government hosts Job Preparedness Training in Orange Walk

The 2-day workshop covered topics such as work ethics and code of conduct, resume and cover letter writing, identifying your skills, setting employment goals, mock interviews, [...]
October 17, 2023

Ministry of Rural Transformation’s Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Unit drills production well in Orange Walk

The production well was needed to address the village's ongoing water challenges.
October 17, 2023

International News: Cartel gunmen force drivers of tanker trucks in Mexico to dump gasoline or “pay up”

According to the Associated Press, the incident occurred in Matamoros, Mexico last week.
October 17, 2023

Minister of Health and Wellness reiterates Belize’s commitment to global health and wellness at Pre-COP10

Minister Bernard was the keynote speaker at the meeting hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Government [...]
October 17, 2023

Belize Social Protection Summit 2023 launched

The day is being recognized under the theme, “Decent Work and Social Protection: Putting dignity in practice for all.”
October 17, 2023

International News: ‘Fake’ attorney who won all 26 cases without legal training busted in Kenya

According to the Daily Mail, the man was practising under the name Brian Mwenda.
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