November 1, 2020

One dead, one injured in fatal road traffic accident

According to reports, the road traffic accident occurred on Mile 34 on the Hummingbird Highway.
November 1, 2020

Caesar Ridge man lured to death; second man also killed

Gillett received a phone call around 8:45 in the evening and went to the corner with Caesar Ridge Road, where he was shot by a man [...]
November 1, 2020
patrick faber belize

Public servants’ jobs safe for now, says Faber

The Union has threatened to not allow its workers to manage Election Day and will further air their concerns about the prospect of retrenchment after elections [...]
November 1, 2020
belize cloudy weather with some showers

The National Meteorological Service says conditions continue to be unstable

Winds will be from the north to northwest at 5 to 15 knots and the sea state is light chop.
November 1, 2020

David ‘Dido’ Vega- New Hope for the Bay

Paid Contribution: Dido Vega is a man on a mission to help the people of Corozal Bay, an area which has been neglected, and a people [...]
October 31, 2020
placencia belize

First Time Buyer? What You Need To Know Before Buying Placencia Belize Real Estate

Natural Beauty
October 31, 2020
chester williams

Police move to discourage social activities for Halloween

The Police, of course.
October 31, 2020
tropical storm eta

Potential record-breaking storm headed for Central America

A disturbance moving through the Caribbean has a likelihood of becoming a new tropical depression over the weekend. Conditions will become more favorable for tropical development [...]
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