November 20, 2015

Belize City woman fears for life after family feud

One of Moreira’s accusers was childhood friend Georgia Curry, who told police that Moreira went to her house and cursed her out after her son went [...]
November 20, 2015

Former journalist joins Bar

She told us that she was proud and humbled by her achievement and looks forward to serving the people of Belize but she has not decided [...]
November 20, 2015

Benque police operation results in over 900 grams of weed

On November 18th, Benque Viejo Police and personnel from the Quick Response Team and the assistance from members of the Special Branch conducted a special operation [...]
November 20, 2015

Relatively moist and unstable conditions will continue today

Winds will be blowing from the East-Northeast at 10-20 knots, becoming gusty near heavy showers and the sea state will be moderate, becoming locally rough at [...]
November 20, 2015

Orange Walk Police anti-crime initiative yields over 400 grams cannabis

So far police have carried out several search operations that resulted in the arrest of persons and the ridding of drugs from off the streets. Another [...]
November 20, 2015

Over 4,000 cane farmers to meet and discuss start of crop

Stakeholders are expected to meet early next week to finalize a date to start the 2015 – 2016 Cane crop season, which tentatively is set for [...]
November 20, 2015

Orange Walk Police find contraband fire-crackers

According to the report, on Wednesday November 18th, about 12:00 a.m. Orange Walk Police conducted a search inside the old Tobacco Plantation on the Chan Pine Ridge road [...]
November 20, 2015

Orange Walk Police justify the use of force

According to police, on Wednesday November 17th, Police Constable Akeem Augustine, who is presently attached to the Orange Walk Police Formation Quick Response Team (QRT) and [...]
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