October 26, 2015

Armed robbery in San Ignacio.

What is interesting is that the incident played out behind Scotia Bank which is not far away from the San Ignacio Police Station.
October 26, 2015

CDB grants for climate change water plans

National water provider Belize Water Services Limited (BWS) received US$134,000 to finance consultancy services to support BWS’ efforts to:
October 26, 2015

UNICEF Belize decries fundraising scam

The organization is headquartered in New York City (though does have a relationship with the famous Barcelona FC football club based in that city) and does [...]
October 26, 2015

Trial ordered in domestic dispute

Tonight, 28 year old truck driver, Jose Alfredo Barrera, who pleaded guilty to the charges, is out on bail after Magistrate Fraser entered an equivocal plea [...]
October 26, 2015

Misunderstanding leads to accusations of home invasion and rape

Usher pleaded not guilty to a charge of aggravated burglary before Senior Magistrate Sharon Frazer.
October 26, 2015

San Pedro resident is convicted of manslaughter

Today Justice Lucas ruled that he is certain that while Reyes did indeed stab Pinelo on November 5, 2010 in front of Rainbow Star bar, it [...]
October 26, 2015

Guatemalan busted for weed in Benque

According to police in that municipality, on Sunday October 25th near the bus terminal, their attention was drawn to the Hispanic man. Upon seeing police, he dropped [...]
October 26, 2015

Two dead in separate Corozal accidents

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