July 13, 2015

GSU removes drugs and firearms off Belize City Streets

Monday, July 13, 2015. BMG: Over the weekend, Belize City’s Gang Suppression Unit (GSU) was hard at work combating crime in the city streets. Their efforts [...]
July 13, 2015

Firearm recovered from shooting scene

Monday, July 13, 2015. BMG: The Belize City Police’s Gang Suppression Unit (GSU) made the discovery of a black .9mm Glock pistol after the shooting of [...]
July 13, 2015

Fair conditions are expected to prevail today across the country

Monday, July 13, 2015. BMG: The national Meteorological service of Belize calls for mostly fair and dry weather conditions.
July 12, 2015

Breaking News: Traffic accident in Blackman Eddy

This is a developing story and we will be updating it as more information becomes available.
July 12, 2015

Sugar cane crop season 2014-2015 scheduled to close today

We will have a full report tomorrow on the official reports presented by BSI/ASR.
July 12, 2015

Manhunt underway after El Chapo breaks out of jail

The notorious Guzman was said to have constructed a tunnel from his cell measuring over 1 mile to a construction site outside the prison to get [...]
July 12, 2015

McAfee, the Movie?

Gregory Faull was killed in his home in November of 2011 and almost immediately McAfee was the prime person of interest for police, who could not [...]
July 11, 2015

Police and residents aim for Mayflower truce

This week, with the assistance of their family members, Police were able to detain 20 young men from the Mayflower area including minors.  Williams notes that [...]
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