His Executive Committee has issued a statement saying it has been in communication with the Minister's family and "is happy to report that he is now [...]
The Ministry's report for September 6th, 2021, shows that 14,875 people between the ages of 12-17 years and 2,197 aged 18 years and over were vaccinated [...]
The MOHW's data for active COVID-19 infections shows a total of 638 infected males and 644 females, for a total of 1,282 active infections countrywide.
However, the vaccine has two doses and the Ministry of Health and Wellness reminds that persons should return to the vaccination site eight weeks after getting [...]
Responding to a question from Moses 'Shyne' Barrow, Leader of the Opposition and area representative for Mesopotamia, Prime Minister John Briceno said he hadn't heard back [...]