In a letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers Danuta Skowronski and Gaston De Serres said that the Pfizer vaccine has an efficacy [...]
The Ministry's latest daily report showed that the new cases were detected from a sample batch of 522 tests, making for a daily positivity rate of [...]
Derek a Bernaldo Gorosica, 32; Raheem Vernon, 27; Oscar Francisco Gutierrez, 22; and Oscar Williams, 49, were arraigned in the Belize City Magistrates Court on six [...]
Through the funding, 9 District Health Educators from the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) will receive laptops with cases and 8 projectors to strengthen the [...]
The plan will vaccinate more than half of Belize’s estimated population, more than 200 thousand, in 120 days (4 months), starting with healthcare workers, the elderly, [...]