October 17, 2020

COVID-19 Update: 47 new cases identified

The rate of positive cases among samples processed is 14.4%.
October 17, 2020

Belize records 44th COVID-19 related death

The patient is a female patient from Orange Walk.
October 17, 2020

More front line workers test positive for COVID-19

Those include health staff, BDF and Coast Guard.
October 17, 2020

Ministry of Health: Orange Walk District records 1000th cases of COVID-19

The Orange Walk District accounts for 36% of all cases identified in Belize.
October 16, 2020

COVID-19 update: 46 new cases identified

There are now 1059 active cases of the virus.
October 16, 2020

National Oversight Committee continues until general elections

Prime Minister Dean Barrow is only a caretaker, he says, but he will continue to chair Committee meetings up to even the Monday before general elections [...]
October 16, 2020

Vaccination plan: most vulnerable go first, says Dr. Manzanero

Belize also has an established protocol for giving out the influenza vaccine of which 40 thousand is made available annually and a boosted 10 percent this [...]
October 16, 2020

Majority of health care workers exposed to COVID-19 outside workplace

Dr Manzanero stated that as much as 85 percent of workers infected are outside the workplace.