August 17, 2020

Prime Minister addresses private flights and double standards

It is part of a greater question about double standards with the recent passage of legislation to deny bail at the Magistrate’s Court to border jumpers [...]
August 17, 2020

Prime Minister describes national lockdown call as ‘moving target’

Unlike and because of the swiftness with which the Government moved in late March and early April to institute lockdown with a fewer number of cases, [...]
August 17, 2020

Over 400 cases of COVID-19 in just two weeks

By Friday, August 8, the 48 cases had become 114 cases, and the week that followed saw record numbers of new cases being reported daily. On [...]
August 17, 2020

Orange Walk resident, Carlos Peralta is 4th victim of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health informed that Peralta was being treated for a heart condition at a private facility in Belize City and passed away on Saturday [...]
August 17, 2020

Pastor from Santa Cruz, Toledo charged for breaking social gathering protocol

One of those persons charged was a pastor from Santa Cruz, Toledo.
August 17, 2020

Belmopan Medical Centre announces resumption of services today

"Please note that the only service that will be available is Medical Laboratory Service as our Doctors who tested Negative will slowly incorporate themselves as they [...]
August 17, 2020

National Sports Council announces closure of facilities countrywide

"Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases countrywide and the new regulations under Statutory Instrument 119 of 2020, which limits gatherings to no more than ten [...]
August 17, 2020

Over 180 arrests made for state of emergency violations: Mask wearing a major problem

Commissioner of Police Chester Williams issued an update this morning, noting that  128 people were arrested for failing to wear a cloth mask or other face [...]