It is part of a greater question about double standards with the recent passage of legislation to deny bail at the Magistrate’s Court to border jumpers [...]
Unlike and because of the swiftness with which the Government moved in late March and early April to institute lockdown with a fewer number of cases, [...]
The Ministry of Health informed that Peralta was being treated for a heart condition at a private facility in Belize City and passed away on Saturday [...]
"Please note that the only service that will be available is Medical Laboratory Service as our Doctors who tested Negative will slowly incorporate themselves as they [...]
"Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases countrywide and the new regulations under Statutory Instrument 119 of 2020, which limits gatherings to no more than ten [...]
Commissioner of Police Chester Williams issued an update this morning, noting that 128 people were arrested for failing to wear a cloth mask or other face [...]