According to the Ministry of Health and Wellness’ January 4, 2022, COVID-19 Vaccination Daily Report, the total number of “fully vaccinated” now stands at 200,081. The [...]
Five of the nine hospitalized persons are unvaccinated; one partially vaccinated and two fully vaccinated and the ninth is of uncertain status. Of those in the [...]
Measured against 56 recoveries, the active case load now stands at 2,714, well above the peak of the Delta variant in September and October of 2021. [...]
According to the Ministry of Health and Wellness’ January 3, 2022, COVID-19 Vaccination Daily Report, which really isn’t being done daily now, the total number of [...]
John Hopkins University reported a total of 1,082,549 new COVID-19 cases on Monday alone. That’s the most ever reported by any country in the world in [...]
The Director of Health Services Dr. Francis Morey MD. MPH, in a memo dated December 31, 2021, states that the isolation periods for infected patients were [...]