December 2, 2021

Over 100 new COVID-19 cases reported

The latest COVID-19 data produced by the Ministry of Health and Wellness shows that from a batch of 1,723 tests, 101 turned out positive.
December 2, 2021

Belizean students coming home by land will get free COVID-19 swabs

The Ministry of Health and Wellness issued a notice this afternoon following a decision taken by Cabinet, that the initiative came into effect on December 1 [...]
December 2, 2021

Ministry of Health and Wellness increases Omicron-related surveillance; flight bans not on table

"At this time there are no direct flights into Belize from any southern African countries, and many larger countries have already implemented public health measures that [...]
December 2, 2021

Cabinet Brief: Executive approves new regulations on Omicron variant, free testing for returning students

As of November 29, 209,176 persons or 48.6 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine (including children over 12 and adults) and 194,398 [...]
December 2, 2021

This week’s vaccinations continue in Belize District up to Saturday

Vaccinations are being administered, at the Central Health Region, Matron Roberts Polyclinic, the Swift Hall, and the Port Loyola Health Center in Belize City, from 8:00 [...]
December 1, 2021

Central districts lead COVID-19 daily table

Up north, just 11 cases between the Corozal and Orange Walk Districts were reported, including just three between the major towns of Corozal and Orange Walk.
December 1, 2021

COVID hospitalization numbers slip further

10 of these people are unvaccinated and six are fully vaccinated.
December 1, 2021

New COVID-19 cases under 100 for second straight day, no new deaths

For the second straight day according to the Ministry of Health and Wellness, there have been fewer than 100 new COVID-19 cases – 86 to be [...]