April 2, 2021

Tampa Bay Times shows love to Belize’s “Manatee Man” Jamal Galves

The article, written by columnist Stephanie Hayes chronicled Galves' fated encounter with James Powell, executive director of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute, and touched on [...]
April 1, 2021
Shanea Young

Honoring Southside’s Shanea Young – Belize’s first and only woman agro-meteorologist

Young grew up on the Southside of Belize City, attended St. Catherine’s Academy and later joined the NMS in 2009, as a Meteorological Officer IV after [...]
April 1, 2021

Caye Caulker Village Council cleaning up the sargassum off the beaches, in readiness for the Easter weekend

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: The Caye Caulker Village Council (CCVC) is today cleaning up the sargassum off the beaches, in readiness for Easter weekend.
April 1, 2021

Lava from Guatemala’s Pacaya volcano destroying coffee and avocado crops

The Guatemalan National Disaster Relief Coordinating agency (Conred) said the extensive lava flow is approaching the communities of El Patrocinio and El Rodeo on the sides [...]
March 28, 2021

Maya communities talk response to climate change

The meeting was hosted by the project’s Indigenous Technical Coordinator and included the Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD) and the REDD+ Project Implementation Unit.
March 26, 2021

Warning sounded against illegal activities in Bacalar Chico National Park and Marine Reserve

A joint statement from the Ministries of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management and the Blue Economy describes “relentless encroachers [continuing] to raid the [...]
March 25, 2021

Park Rangers sworn in as special constables

On Wednesday the rangers had their graduation ceremony at the Shipstern Nature Reserve in Sarteneja Village, Corozal District, where they met with the Minister of Sustainable [...]
March 24, 2021

Guatemala’s Pacaya volcano after 48 days erupting, still very active

Yesterday, the Pacaya sprayed gases and ashes upwards up to 4,500 metres above sea level and covered every town and city, including Guatemala City, in a [...]