April 25, 2020

Over 100 fires per week with temperatures above 100 degrees – Forestry and Environment Departments share details

Analysis of the location of these fires showed that they were all related to agricultural landscapes, either sugar cane, milpas, mechanized agricultural fields, or fresh land [...]
April 25, 2020

Vaca forest fire has potential to release enormous smoke on Cayo- Government to dispatch firefighting crew tomorrow

The fire in the Vaca Area has the potential to release an enormous amount of smoke into the municipalities of Benque Viejo del Carmen and San [...]
April 23, 2020

Blackout caused by fire on contaminated key transmission line says BEL

The fault affected the 115kV transmission line that connects the national grid to the Mexican grid. At the time, the Mexican grid was supplying most of the energy [...]
April 21, 2020

Ministry of the Environment announces new regulations for burning garbage

The Environmental Protection (Prohibition of the Open-Burning of Refuse and Other Matter) Regulations came via Statutory Instrument No. 59 of 2020 and prohibits burning of bush, [...]
March 5, 2020

BMDC hosts beekeeping harvest season

The session involved a report of the activities that the BMDC has undertaken in the development of the apiculture industry over the last year, including capacity [...]
February 13, 2020

Yacht owner cooperating with authorities after dropping anchor on reef,” says Audubon Society

By BBN Staff: The Belize Audubon Society (BAS) updated the nation on the status of the investigation following a yacht dropping anchor on the barrier reef [...]
February 13, 2020

Belize outpaces region but overall reef health down

However, Belize, in whose territory most of the sites (104 of 319) were observed, recorded an increase in RHI to 3 on a scale of 5, [...]
February 4, 2020

Ministry of Works embarks on Climate Vulnerability Reduction Program

The main objective is to reduce climate-related vulnerabilities through investment activities in the downtown Belize City area.