April 17, 2022

Belize City home destroyed by fire

Police say that the homeowner, 41-year-old Stanley Bernardez, called the authorities just after 3:00 p.m. to report a fire at his residence on Laura Dunn Street [...]
April 17, 2022

Holy Ghost Church in Esperanza Village burglarized; thieves make off with over $5,000 worth of electronics

According to the church, they discovered on Holy Saturday that the building was burglarized. Stolen from the building were Lasko fans, music mixer, Podium Amplifier, Crown [...]
April 17, 2022

‘First Belizean’ finishers in Cross Country Cycling Classic to split $3,000 incentive prize

Had one done so, they would have won three thousand dollars from Car Guys Belize and Prestige Auto Sales Co. Ltd and the regular first-place prize.
April 17, 2022

Was La Democracia woman’s house shot up in retaliation for recent murder of Tyreak August?

Gunshots rang out last night in front of the home of Becky Estrada and when the sounds quieted, she realized she had been shot to the [...]
April 17, 2022

Accident on Bullet Tree Road leaves man injured

On the Bullet Tree Road, Cayo District, a man apparently fell from the pan of a pickup truck and was injured, although the circumstances remain under [...]
April 17, 2022
University of Edinburg Belize Weather

Belize Weather: Good Easter weather continues

High temperatures range from 87 degrees Fahrenheit along the coast to 95 degrees in inland areas and 75 degrees in the hills. Tonight's low temperatures are [...]
April 17, 2022

Man caught with unlicensed gun with 11 live rounds of ammunition in Roaring Creek

Around 5:30 p.m. on Good Friday, officers in Roaring Creek conducted a search on 22-year-old Ivan Caranza and found in his possession a .9mm pistol with [...]
April 17, 2022

La Democracia woman injured after multiple shots were fired at her house

Becky Estrada told police she was in the hall of her home along with her commonlaw husband and two children, both minors, when they heard several [...]
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