As noted by Minister Kevin Bernard, “While COVID is one of the issues that is at the forefront, there are many other issues affecting this country [...]
Dr. Rian Extavour, Programme Manager, CARPHA Caribbean Regulatory System (CARPHA-CRS), pointed out that there is an absence of information on testing of the phosphate-buffered saline formulation [...]
In a message of condolence to Prime Minister John Briceño, Dr. Barnett said, “I viewed Sir Manuel as a calm, thoughtful leader whose importance to the [...]
The Port’s CEO Andy Lane claims against the Union, recognized and registered under section 13 of the Trade Unions and Employer’s Organizations (Registration, Recognition, and Status) [...]
Officers in the Ministry of Health and Wellness; the Department of Transport, Municipal Traffic Department, and Island Emergency Services met at the BELTRAIDE compound, Belize City [...]
Taeger Panton expressed her interest via letter to Party Chairman Michael Peyrefitte. Peyrefitte said earlier this week that today would be the final day for those [...]
By Rubén Morales Iglesias: Belizean journalist Jorge Aldana reported on Facebook that he had been subjected to pay an export tax of $1,200 pesos which Mexican [...]