October 28, 2021

Cost of living was up for the first nine months of this year, says Statistical Institute

The SIB's cumulative Consumer Price Index (CPI) data taken from January- September 2021, shows an overall inflation rate of 2.6 percent, due to price increases in [...]
October 28, 2021
Covid vaccines

Cabinet approves first booster shots of COVID-19 vaccine

These are the third shots of the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines, the fourth shots of the Sinopharm vaccine, and second shots of the Johnson and Johnson [...]
October 28, 2021

Toledo District Health Services announces COVID-19 testing for travel purposes

The TDHS said that the testing will begin on Monday, November 1, and will be conducted at the Belize Red Cross testing site.
October 28, 2021

Belize participates in Central American Special Roundtable held in South Korea

Ambassador H.E. Amalia Mai represented Belize at the event, which saw participation from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, and Panama.
October 28, 2021

Ministry of Agriculture projects farmers can grow enough good-quality carrots to satisfy local demand

This comes after vendors at the Michael Finnegan Market in Belize City last week complained that the Government’s refusal to allow import licenses for carrots coupled [...]
October 28, 2021

‘Blue Bonds’ approved – who gets the credit?

Opposition Senator Michael Peyrefitte tried to lay a foundation for his party to claim the credit by instituting various environmental reforms and initiating the discussions in [...]
October 28, 2021

House, Senate approves US$15 million to finance productive activities by small and medium enterprises

The DFC facility is for US$15 million with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for 15 to 25 years with the usual interest rates, backed by a [...]
October 28, 2021

Belize exports corn to Maseca processing plant in Guatemala

“Today we invited the Minister (Jose Abelardo Mai) and the press to witness the very first truckload of corn that we're sending out to Maseca under [...]
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