August 17, 2021

UDP Party Leader Patrick Faber backs stevedores in port switch plight

On the UDPs part, all 5 of its standard bearers and representatives stand with their affected constituents, whom as Faber points out, are black and vulnerable.
August 17, 2021

Former Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte: ‘What’s going on with Central Bank?’

Peyrefitte said little was known about Vasquez on his selection and people were willing to give him a chance.
August 17, 2021

Albert Area Rep Tracy Panton: ‘Government not so SMART dropping Telemedia’

The UDP worked hard to get at least 91 percent of shares in Belize Telemedia Limited, through Social Security in particular, she noted.
August 17, 2021

Belize Electricity Limited recovers from unplanned power outages

On Monday evening there was an unplanned outage lasting from 5:03 p.m. to 6:10 p.m. in the areas of West Landivar, Coral Grove, Buttonwood Bay and [...]
August 17, 2021

Former Minister of State Elodio Aragon: ‘New Misuse of Drugs Amendment is legalizing marijuana’

Aragon says consultation must be held to determine the way forward because open growing of marijuana and related businesses can exacerbate crime.
August 17, 2021

Former Minister of State for National Security Elodio Aragon: ‘Crime and violence out of control’

It is time Minister Kareem Musa implements solutions lest #planbelize be revealed for a farce, but, said Aragon, it already is for some.
August 17, 2021

UDP offers congratulations for Carla Barnett, condolences for deaths

She is a former colleague who served as a standard bearer for the party in Freetown division, as a Senator and Minister of State.
August 17, 2021

United Democratic Party hosts press briefing on national issues

The United Democratic Party's leading faces will be speaking on a variety of national issues, including crime, the economy, the Central Bank, COVID-19 and others.
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