June 18, 2021

Prime Minister encourages public to get vaccinated

“Our government now has a stockpile of vaccines, and we are getting close to having enough to reach our intended target. You see, my administration will [...]
June 17, 2021

Ministry of Health and Wellness receives donation of IT equipment from PAHO/WHO

The objective of the donation is to strengthen the activities and capacities of Immunization Information Systems (IIS) for COVID-19 vaccination in the country.
June 17, 2021

Prime Minister Briceno says international cooperation is critical

Prime Minister (PM) John Briceno provided cabinet with a report on his 1st official visit to Guatemala.
June 17, 2021

Patrick Faber to become first Belizean party leader in history to be recalled after nearly 300 delegates sign petition

The signatures were dropped off today at UDP headquarters by former UDP candidate Tony Herrera, who also had Phillip Willoughby with him.
June 17, 2021

Police operations take pen gun off the street

Officers say that on Wednesday they searched an abandoned lot at Carnation Street, Belize City, which led to the discovery of a black .22 pen gun. [...]
June 17, 2021

Utilities truck driver says he tried to warn soldier before fatal traffic accident

Jerry Nicholas, 31, told police that he was driving his work truck, owned by Digi, headed in the direction of Elridgeville, Toledo district, when he saw [...]
June 17, 2021

Supreme Court orders compensation of $6,302,607.52 for land stripped from Jalacte village for road

It will cost them some $6,302,607.52 according to Acting Chief Justice Michelle Arana, who heard the case in 2016.
June 17, 2021

Tourists entering Belize via land borders can now bring their vehicles

Travelers who do not enter with a private vehicle must be transported from the border facilities by a certified Gold Standard transport operator
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