April 18, 2023

Police seek public assistance in identifying vehicles involved in hit-and-run of soldier Hector Cho

Reports are that just before ten p.m. on Thursday, Cho was already lying on the highway motionless when a concerned motorist stopped and exited his vehicle [...]
April 18, 2023

Development Finance Corporation (DFC) receives financing from Taiwan for business support

The agreement, featuring a loan of US$5 million (BZ$10 million) and a grant of US$500,000 (BZ$1 million) was signed on Monday and will be guaranteed by [...]
April 18, 2023

John Cus gets eight years in prison for rape

Cus, 43, was sentenced today in the High Court of Belize by Justice Antoinette Moore in relation to the incident which occurred back in 2018.
April 18, 2023

Elden Flowers, charged with murder of Richard O’Neil, walks free after case against him is withdrawn

Flowers was brought down from the Belize Central Prison to appear before Justice Nigel Pilgrim in the High Court of Belize, where he learned that he [...]
April 18, 2023

Popular restaurant Smok’D answers the call of father who needs help raising funds for his daughter’s surgery

Smok'D co-owner Andrew Craig told Breaking Belize News (BBN) that he saw our original story with an appeal from Diego Samos, Vicky's father, who is preparing [...]
April 18, 2023

‘War on Guns’ declared as Caribbean tells U.S. to join in

The Heads’ declaration registered “our grave concern at the increase in the illegal exportation of guns from the United States of America which is a direct [...]
April 18, 2023

‘Insensitive, inconsiderate, incoherent and incompetent,’ Opposition leader condemns Prime Minister’s passport comments

Briceño in his comments, used cane farmers as an example for people who deserved a subsidy to be able to afford passports, following the new controversial [...]
April 18, 2023

Tumbaito section of Philip Goldson Highway at Mile 88 by Corozal Town is now officially open

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: The Ministry of Infrastructure Development has officially opened the Tumbaito section of Philip Goldson Highway between Miles 87 and 89 by Corozal Town.
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