March 30, 2023

Total Energies & Westrac Ltd bring new innovations to Belize

Total Energies is a world-renowned manufacturer and marketer of high-quality lubricants and oils for various industries, including automotive, agriculture, and marine. The company's commitment to innovation, [...]
March 30, 2023

Police issue official wanted notice for escapees Sergio Pineda and Piers Castillo

This morning at around 10:40 a.m., they were both remanded to prison after appearing in court before they escaped from a holding area nearby.
March 30, 2023

Prosecution fails to deliver disclosure as Jerome Crawford makes 4th court appearance for murder charge

On Wednesday, Crawford in the presence of his attorney Ian Gray, made his fourth court appearance in relation to the December 2022 murder of Ladyville businessman [...]
March 30, 2023

Seventy-year-old man charged for hitting 67-year-old wife in the head with metal object

Frank Young appeared unrepresented in the Belize City Magistrate's Court on Wednesday, charged with a single count of wounding.
March 30, 2023

Benque Viejo police searching for high profile prisoner Sergio Pineda after escape at court

While further information is still being sought, we understand the men were scheduled to appear in court in Benque Viejo Town and managed to get away.
March 30, 2023

Jared Ranguy fires attorney, declines guilty plea – trial to be held in a month

Ranguy turned the court on its head today by confirming that he would not take a guilty plea on three counts of murder and dropping his [...]
March 30, 2023

Jamaican judge Ricardo Sandcroft reappointed to Belize Bench

By Aaron Humes: High Court Justice Ricardo O’Neil Sandcroft continues on the Bench after being reappointed in February.
March 30, 2023

Garinagu Belizeans visit Baliceaux during Garifuna Heritage Month

In July of 1796, British forces exiled most of the Garifuna population of modern-day St Vincent and the Grenadines, over 5,000, to Baliceaux after defeating Paramount [...]
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