His Executive Committee has issued a statement saying it has been in communication with the Minister's family and "is happy to report that he is now [...]
Not anymore, as according to the National AIDS Commission, Belize is making preparations to launch HIV self-testing during its new Global Fund grant cycle.
The Ministry's report for September 6th, 2021, shows that 14,875 people between the ages of 12-17 years and 2,197 aged 18 years and over were vaccinated [...]
The MOHW's data for active COVID-19 infections shows a total of 638 infected males and 644 females, for a total of 1,282 active infections countrywide.
"This incident in which Jesse was shot should have never happened," Habet boldly states, then veers around to suggest that in the words of a former [...]
From September 7-14, any combination of Quality chicken products that amounts to 25 pounds and above will automatically have the price of each of those items [...]