Every year, the Mental Health Association sponsors many activities in recognition of World Mental Health Day including an annual fund-raising banquet for their Welcome Resource Center [...]
Trujeque has spent many years helping those recovering from breakups as well as those who want to increase their own self-confidence. Now, this personal development and [...]
Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture which also has responsibility for science and technology, Patrick Faber, says there is always an opportunity to fix legislation, [...]
The Party proposes to make the House of Representatives’ Public Accounts Committee independent, banning substantive ministers from participating, and make its and other House committee business [...]
Ramos, who also has a road named for him in Dangriga Town, led the fight to establish Carib Disembarkation Day (now known as Garifuna Settlement Day) [...]
As Dr. Barnett reminded, countries like Belize contribute least to climate change but bear the worst of its effects, such as rising seas, bleached coral reefs [...]
But it has a lengthy agenda, highlighted by second readings and debates on the Immigration (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 2020; the Caribbean Community (Free Movement of [...]
Over the past two decades, BELTRAIDE has partnered with forward-thinking organizations in an effort to elevate their client success, accelerate economic growth and enhance the country’s [...]