NAVCO commends the Ministry for taking the initiative of assisting villagers with food but says that the villagers are unable to get through to the numbers [...]
Commissioner of Police Chester Williams said that a total of 67 people were arrested for "Movement outside of curfew," some 21 people were arrested for "Unable [...]
The 24-hour forecast says that skies will be mostly sunny today and clear tonight. Hot, windy and hazy conditions will prevail with no rainfall development expected.
This decision was taken as the Company has been reliably informed recently that two of their employees from the Downtown branch "were in contact with a [...]
The workers union contended that the hospital authority had compromised the health and safety of the hospital staff handling the patient but the KHMHA said that, [...]
By Hugh O’Brien: As I write this article and from the onset, we must applaud the Government of Belize for continuously acknowledging that farming is an [...]