After two recent confrontations between Wil Maheia’s Belize Territorial Volunteers (BTV) and the Guatemalans, both considered to have occurred within Belizean territory, Belmopan is scrambling to [...]
But even after the matter was determined by the Essential Services Arbitration Tribunal (ESAT) in 2021, the Port of Belize Limited continues to insist that as [...]
Perez has remained on leave of absence since August 21, shortly after news broke of an alleged inappropriate relationship and possible blackmail allegations involving an attorney [...]
The National Sustainable Tourism Master Plan is being updated, but what the major cruise line companies want is dock-side berthing for their larger cruise ships, which [...]
According to videos sent by Maheia, the BTV were patrolling and had just spotted Guatemalan fishermen clearly in Belizean waters, but the two navy boats from [...]
According to information from the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB), there were 114 thousand overnight tourist arrivals and 183 thousand cruise ship arrivals, both increases over [...]