September 5, 2022

Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) is already repairing roads in Toledo District

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) is already working on the reparation of damaged roads in the Toledo District.
September 5, 2022

Ministry of Infrastructure Development invites contractors for restoration works in Belize, Orange Walk, and Corozal Districts

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) is moving to repair roads and drains damaged by last month’s tropical wave.
September 5, 2022

“San Felipe-Barranco road in urgent need of repairs,” says Village Council

The Council explained that the San Felipe road, which was additionally damaged by the recent rains, have reportedly reached a point where those traveling them run [...]
September 5, 2022

Cattle rustlers shoot, dismember livestock in Orange Walk, Corozal

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: Incidents of cattle rustlers shooting and dismembering livestock in Carmelita in the Orange Walk District and Xaibe in the Corozal District surfaced [...]
September 4, 2022

Major services will be unavailable at Ministry of Natural Resources offices countrywide Monday and Tuesday

The Ministry issued a public notice on Sunday explaining that its front desk, cashier, and debt management services will be unavailable at its offices countrywide from [...]
September 4, 2022

Prime Minister John Briceño pays his respects at The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust Memorial, in Berlin, Germany

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: Prime Minister John Briceño on Saturday paid his respects at The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the [...]
September 3, 2022

Santa Cruz cooperative in Toledo receives sewing machines from Rapid Response to COVID-19 and 2020 Floods in Belize project

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: “Ten sewing machines were handed over today to the Santa Cruz Hibiscus Mayan Art and Crafts Cooperative in the Toledo District,” said [...]
September 2, 2022

Council Nikki Augustine is Belmopan City’s new Deputy Mayor

Augustine, who is the council responsible for Tourism Promotion, Cultural Development, E-Governance, Small Business Development & Investment, and Incubation Center Facilitation, was elected at a meeting [...]
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