April 22, 2022

30 Belizeans travel to Colombia for a 90-day agriculture technical training program

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: The Ministry of Agriculture said 30 Belizeans will be traveling to Colombia for a 90-day training agriculture course on Sunday, April 24. [...]
April 22, 2022

Belize establishes diplomatic relations with Nepal

The establishment of diplomatic relations with Nepal is yet another step toward the government’s goal of expanding Belize’s connection and identifying potential markets with non-traditional trading [...]
April 22, 2022

Two-thirds of people in Latin America and the Caribbean now vaccinated against COVID-19; some countries lag behind

14 countries and territories of the region have already reached the WHO goal of vaccinating 70 percent of their populations ahead of the June 30 target, [...]
April 22, 2022
world bank

World Bank: ‘Latin American and Caribbean must seize opportunity to grow and recover’

However, these modest projections place regional performance among the lowest in the world at a time when the region faces important uncertainties as new variants of [...]
April 22, 2022

Police on police records for irregular migrants: ‘Standard procedure cannot apply’ due to status

As explained by Channel 7 News’ Jules Vasquez, the regular police record – something the average Belizean often applies for – is distinguished from the special [...]
April 22, 2022

Ministry of Agriculture’s annual general meeting closes on Friday at Ayin-Ha Resort in Lemonal, Belize District

On Friday morning during the first session presentations are being made on the Belize Marketing and Development Corporation, the Pesticides Control Board, the Belize Agriculture Health [...]
April 22, 2022

Chief lottery proprietor to challenge gaming taxes in court

Prime Minister and Minister of Finance John Briceño, responsible for lotteries, introduced the measure as part of this year’s Budget to raise additional revenue, but his [...]
April 22, 2022

Murders and major crimes up slightly through end of first quarter; 10 murders so far for April

Estevan Baeza was brutally attacked by Belize Defence Force soldier Raheem Williams in the center of Orange Walk Town after an argument over a cigarette lighter.
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