“The Government of Belize is extremely concerned about the evolving security situation on Ukraine’s eastern border, which poses a threat to international peace and security,” said [...]
The House of Representatives met today to discuss a number of matters including the Public Health (Reform) (Prevention Of The Spread Of Infectious Disease) (Covid-19) (Amendment) [...]
But he told reporters today, ironically if not questionably, that he was not aware the free press had not been consulted in the initial preparation of [...]
Prime Minister John Briceño went over the details of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Minister of Public Utilities and Logistics Michel Chebat and Christian Workers [...]
Thirty-seven-year-old Mauricio Antonio Mendoza Medrano appeared in the Belize City Magistrate's Court on immigration offenses and wasted no time in pleading guilty.
The pilot project was launched today in an official ceremony which had the participation of Ministers of Government, Rodwell Ferguson, and Michel Chebat, Belize City Mayor [...]
The House resolves in its motion, presented by Minister of Human Development, Families and Indigenous People’s Affairs Dolores Balderamos-Garcia, to denounce and condemn domestic violence in [...]