The Ministry said that, through its surveillance activities, it has identified six staff members of the bus line who have tested positive for COVID-19, and is [...]
As victims of "one of the most inhumane crimes against humanity ever," he wrote on social media today, "we were Pharoahs, Kings and Queens in Africa [...]
National Surveillance Officer, Lorna Perez, is out of contract and has asked to step aside in order to take care of personal business. She is responsible [...]
On the invitation of H.E. Alok Sharma, COP26 President-Designate, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management Orlando Habet led a delegation to London, [...]
Community leaders met with Ministry personnel yesterday, allowing them to go in and conduct testing and vaccination, in a community that is largely autonomous by design.
The IoA explained that the reserve closed as river levels and currents in the area are above normal. The Institute says that another update will be [...]