September 15, 2020

Net Vasquez to “resign immediately” from chairmanship of Telemedia

We have seen a copy of his resignation letter, in which he states that he has informed Prime Minister Dean Barrow that he will step down [...]
September 15, 2020
belize national assembly

Cabinet confirms that it will not table Equal Opportunities Bill 

"The bill seeks to promote equal opportunities and to address discrimination, stigma and violence by prohibiting certain forms of conduct and encouraging proactive steps to be [...]
September 14, 2020

Elections and Boundaries sorts through 20 thousand-plus registration applications 

But while former Prime Minister George Price famously said elections are won on Election Day, modern campaigners know that enough transfers and new applicants on your [...]
September 10, 2020
belize city mayor

Mayor Wagner: COVID-19, like the Spanish at St. George’s Caye, can be defeated

Echoing President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, the Mayor said that in a time of war, there is no time to complain, no time to explain; you [...]
September 9, 2020

Pump price for regular gasoline increases by 27 cents

The prices for premium gasoline, kerosene and diesel will remain unchanged at $9.36, $5.43 and $8.40, respectively. 
September 9, 2020

Belize Coast Guard congratulates officers on completion of course in Mexico

“The Commandant extends his gratitude and appreciation to the Mexican Navy and Government of Mexico for their continued partnership with the Belize Coast Guard and providing [...]
September 4, 2020

Belmopan City Council: New market project in Garden City has not received proper licenses to operate

"Residents of Belmopan are informed that the site being informally introduced as an alternative to the current market day location has not yet received the proper [...]
September 3, 2020

New COVID-19 quarantine regulations passed; state of emergency and curfew lifted on Friday

Minister of Health and responsible for quarantine, Pablo Marin, has instituted Statutory Instrument 126, the Quarantine (Prevention of the Spread of Infectious Disease) (COVID-19) Regulations, 2020, [...]
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