March 26, 2020

Certified professionals offer services to Belize’s health team

The certified professionals; 3 nurses, 1 EMT; 1 health care giver and 1 intensive care specialist are in Belize and have offered services to the people [...]
March 26, 2020

Attorney General: “Country is not on lockdown”

Attorney General, Micheal Peyrefitte is on the show sharing with viewers the press release issued minutes ago by the Government of Belize.
March 26, 2020

Public Service Union: “Close non-essential government offices to stop COVID-19”

In a statement, the PSU, which has responsibility for much of the more than 14,000 public officers employed by Government, says services for many Government departments [...]
March 26, 2020

Belize Solid Waste Management informs that transfer stations are open for reception of waste

To safeguard human health and wellbeing, and to support the entities that provide waste collection services, the BSWaMA appeals to the public to exercise caution with [...]
March 26, 2020

Agriculture experts confirm six months worth of locally produced basic food and feed supplies available in country

The Minister of Food and Agriculture, Godwin Hulse chaired the session.
March 26, 2020

Government enacts quarantine order for entire country; gatherings limited to 10 people 

This Order made by the Quarantine Authority of Belize, in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by section 6 of the Quarantine Act, Chapter 41 [...]
March 26, 2020

Chair of Nursing and Midwife Council issues message to nurses

The chair of the Nursing and Midwife Council issued a message to all nurses saying that while all nurses have concerns about both the professional realities [...]
March 26, 2020

Ministry of Food and Agriculture hold agri-food response meeting

The Minister of Food and Agriculture, Godwin Hulse chaired the session.
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