March 5, 2020

Mesopotamia’s Finnegan comes out for stevedores

The stevedores have been seeking a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the Port, as have members of the Port’s staff also represented by the Christian Workers’ [...]
March 5, 2020

Opposition excoriates Government Contracts (Validation) Bill

The Government proposes to validate the omission by the Minister of Finance to lay government contracts before the National Assembly for examination contrary to Chapter 15 [...]
March 5, 2020

NTUCB told to ‘wait’ on resource allocation for Integrity Commission

He explained that that meeting, scheduled before the demonstration held on February 20, covered many points including efforts to expand the Commission, but that the concurrent [...]
March 5, 2020

BUDGET 2020: Prime Minister’s victory lap

Projected revenue is $1.239 Billion in tax revenues and capital outlays, requiring $232 million in additional financing.
March 5, 2020

Opposition walks out of House after objections to the budget

The Opposition had asked for their motion of no confidence to be debated first per convention, but Speaker Laura Longsworth refused due to lack of sufficient [...]
March 5, 2020

Opposition seeks sacking of Government for unlawful spending and corruption

Additionally, it states that “the withdrawal and spending of monies from the Consolidated Revenue Fund without lawful authority continues unabated to the detriment of the people [...]
March 5, 2020

Government lays Coastal, Caracol Road contracts before House; asks to re-appoint Ombudsman

Contract No. 183 is the works for the upgrading of the Corozal to Sarteneja Road, funded and supervised by the Republic of China (Taiwan).
March 5, 2020

House meets today for the 2020/2021 Budget Presentation

It is expected to be his last in both capacities.
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