October 4, 2019

Ministry of Natural Resources implement Partial Remission of Land Tax Arrears Program

This program allows landowners who owe land taxes the opportunity to settle or manage their tax arrears during a six-month period commencing Monday, October 7, 2019.
October 4, 2019

Financial Secretary, IFSC Director to meet House over financial amendments

Briceño opened debate on the Economic Substance Bill by referring to some of the oversight provisions for IBCs which the Offshore Practitioners’ Association have deemed “onerous”, [...]
October 4, 2019

Belize to assume Presidency of Mesoamerican Integration & Development Project

Belize’s Pro Tempore Presidency of the project will be for a period of six (6) months, during which time a sector leadership segment corresponding to Disaster [...]
October 4, 2019

Electricity for Caye Caulker but Opposition asks: what about rest of Belize?

And while it has overwhelming support, the Opposition People’s United Party took the opportunity to remind the House that other areas of Belize are still without [...]
October 4, 2019

More financial amendments to legislation to address blacklisting by EU

Amendments to relevant legislation made in 2017 and 2018 were not enough to satisfy the EU and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and ahead [...]
October 4, 2019

House, by division, approves controversial Joshua Perdomo write-off

Perdomo was approved 27 months of study leave to pursue a Master’s degree in forensic genetics at the University of North Texas, and was bonded three [...]
October 4, 2019

House debates old motions and new bills, welcomes children

The youngsters are there to observe today’s debates on key motions and bills as part of their Social Studies classes on Government and Politics, for which [...]
October 3, 2019

CARICOM Sugar stakeholder engagement meeting held in Belize

The engagement placed regional policymakers from the sugar industry, manufacturers, and government in dialogue on the Future of the Caribbean Sugar Industry.
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