The area will be paved with hot mix and various additions, including surveillance cameras, a charging station for electric vehicles and barrier arms for safer entry [...]
One instance is non-Belizean parents who become Belizean nationals applying for their children to be recognized as Belizeans as well, some of whom have no other [...]
Tiffany Burgess pleaded guilty to damage to property and was fined $400 and cost of court due by January 1, 2024, in default three months imprisonment.
A number of well-known UDPs including former Mace Bearer Brian Audinett and Guardian Editor Alfonso Noble were seen pushing at the barriers and managing to move [...]
“Members are free to disagree, and criticize vociferously; however, such must be able to be communicated in a manner befitting of the respect for the office [...]
While he reiterated that Belize would “ever support a terrorist act” such as that committed by the governing Gaza authority, Hamas, on Israeli citizens last weekend [...]