October 8, 2015

PUP unveil health policy

PUP Leader Francis Fonseca stated, "Fundamental to healthy livings for all Belizeans are the basic programmes of development that are central to the plan of action of [...]
October 8, 2015

Belize Progressive Party to name seven new candidates

The candidates presented themselves at the Belize Institute of Management, pledging to declare their income and assets in accordance with the Prevention of Corruption in Public [...]
October 8, 2015

PUP Pickstock candidate “not involved with COLA”

COLA hopes to persuade Pickstock voters not to vote for Elrington, a two-term representative, to ensure he cannot be re-appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
October 6, 2015

Jose Chacon, ex-Bmp. mayoral candidate, leaves PUP for UDP

A statement from Chacon accompanying the Party’s release says he that thought that when running under the PUP banner earlier this year that the PUP had [...]
October 6, 2015

PUP promise consultation with people on Guatemalan claim

Tuesday, October 6th 2015. BMG: Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington's speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Friday in New York City has drawn condemnation in [...]
October 5, 2015

List of General Election candidates to date

1-Toledo West Juan Coy-United Democratic Party (UDP) Oscar Requena-People’s United Party (PUP) Belize Progressive Party (BPP)
October 5, 2015

Jose Chacon jumps ship

Chacon won a convention and became the Mayoral candidate for the 2015 Municipal elections in Belmopan, on the PUP slate in March but was defeated by [...]
October 4, 2015

Belize: Do you want a 13th appointed senator?

Updated: Friday, October 7, 2016.
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