October 3, 2015

COLA, PUP bash Elrington’s UN address

His 19-minute address touched topics ranging from natural threats including climate change to activities happening in Belize at the local level. But it is what he [...]
October 3, 2015

BMG launches Part 2 Poll on Belize General Elections

Saturday, October 3rd 2015. BMG: Part 1 of a Belize Media Group (BMG) sponsored poll on SurveyMonkey concerning the 2015 general elections has received overwhelming support [...]
October 3, 2015

Belize: The 5-Week Election Notice is Demagogic and Undemocratic

The Father of the Nation, Hon. George C. Price, used to say, “do not write a law while in government that you cannot live with while [...]
October 1, 2015

New Belize Progressive Party formed

The party is fielding, for now, 11 candidates, just two more than the number the parties together fielded in the 2012 General Elections. However, according to [...]
October 1, 2015

Opinion poll opened on 2015 General Elections

That number, 16, is the smallest majority needed to form a Government. To participate in the poll, click on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HN5KXSD
October 1, 2015

Breaking: Belize Progressive Party names candidates

The party's candidates for the November 4 General Elections include, Enda Diaz for Corozal South East, Lucilo Teck for Corozal South West, Hipolito Baustista for Orange [...]
September 30, 2015

Why PM Barrow called early elections: The untold truth

Though it is not uncommon for past governments to call early elections, this particular election, is one year and four months early, the earliest election called [...]
September 30, 2015

Elections overtake major cases in Supreme Court

Senior Counsel Lisa Shoman confirmed in speaking with us via telephone this morning that the case of PUP Cayo Northeast standard bearer Orlando Habet versus the Chief [...]
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