His 19-minute address touched topics ranging from natural threats including climate change to activities happening in Belize at the local level. But it is what he [...]
Saturday, October 3rd 2015. BMG: Part 1 of a Belize Media Group (BMG) sponsored poll on SurveyMonkey concerning the 2015 general elections has received overwhelming support [...]
The party is fielding, for now, 11 candidates, just two more than the number the parties together fielded in the 2012 General Elections. However, according to [...]
That number, 16, is the smallest majority needed to form a Government. To participate in the poll, click on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HN5KXSD
The party's candidates for the November 4 General Elections include, Enda Diaz for Corozal South East, Lucilo Teck for Corozal South West, Hipolito Baustista for Orange [...]
Though it is not uncommon for past governments to call early elections, this particular election, is one year and four months early, the earliest election called [...]
Senior Counsel Lisa Shoman confirmed in speaking with us via telephone this morning that the case of PUP Cayo Northeast standard bearer Orlando Habet versus the Chief [...]