July 31, 2015

Former PUP Foreign Ministers Take Guatemalan Foreign Minister To Task

This time though not for any internal turmoil but rather for contradicting what Guatemalan Foreign Minister had said earlier this week concerning the military bases in [...]
July 31, 2015

Prime Minister Patrick Faber?

Current Prime Minister and UDP leader Dean Barrow has led the UDP since 1998 and been Prime Minister since 2008 - both records for the UDP, [...]
July 29, 2015

City Mayor denies neglecting duties

The Council continues to build streets and upgrade others; more than 150 have been concreted in 4 years.
July 29, 2015

PUP leadership makes concessions to Group of 12

Earlier this week, 12 standard bearers from across the country wrote PUP leader Francis Fonseca and Chairman Henry Charles Usher demanding the immediate calling of a [...]
July 29, 2015

Belize ~ A Post Election View From Under The Bus, Part II

A small core around the leader wants the party as their own, to do as they please...to the exclusion of many who have sacrificed much and [...]
July 29, 2015

Mayor of Orange Walk weighs in on present PUP crisis

By Mayor Kevin Bernard
July 29, 2015

PUP showdown or boycott: Fonseca vs. G-12

In the wake of public revelations where twelve standard bearers raised concerns about the party's direction, called for an immediate National Convention; the restructuring of party [...]
July 28, 2015

PG Town Council truck caught illegally dumping garbage

On Facebook, Maheia posted a picture of the Council's truck dumping a large load of town garbage on the roadside near - not in - the [...]
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