July 4, 2015

PUP National Party Council Holds Meeting in Dangriga

According to our sources, the national party council is also passing resolutions on national issues that are affecting the country like crime, poverty, nepotism and the [...]
July 3, 2015

IACHR questions arrest of Maya leaders

Friday, July 03, 2015. Aaron Humes Reporting: The Inter American Commission of Human Rights has written Attorney General and Minister of Foreign Affairs  over the arrest [...]
July 3, 2015

Cuban Immigrants intercepted in Orange Walk

Friday, July 03, 2015. BMG: Reports reaching our newsroom are that a group of Cuban immigrants were intercepted on the Orange Walk By-pass by authorities.
July 2, 2015

PM answers PUP questions about Guatemalans being given citizenship

Despite that incident, many topics were still touched in the sitting and one of the questions asked by the People’s United Party was in regards to [...]
June 29, 2015

PUP defend walkout over Patrick Andrews; PM calls it “unforgivable”

Not surprisingly, both sides differ about the power of the Speaker to make that decision. For the PUP, the Speaker's decision was an error in law, [...]
June 29, 2015

Governor General receives musical equipment from Taiwan

Sir Colville is a trained musician and composer in addition to literary and academic pursuits. He has selected St. Andrew's Anglican Primary School of San Ignacio [...]
June 29, 2015

PUP say Speaker had no right to remove Andrews

[caption id="attachment_9480" align="alignright" width="300"] Francis Fonseca[/caption]
June 29, 2015

Delroy Cuthkelvin to Contest Convention for UDP Stann Creek West Standard Bearer

According to Cuthkelvin, the decision was made after consultation with key committee members and organizers of the party in the Stann Creek West who feel that [...]
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