October 30, 2023

Sandhill mother and daughter win constitutional rights case in the High Court for speedy trial

By Aaron Humes: While declining for now to permanently stay a case of dangerous harm against a mother and daughter of Sandhill, Belize District that has [...]
October 30, 2023

International News: U.S. halts export of most civilian firearms and ammunition for 90 days

The Department said it would conduct an urgent review to assess “the risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate [...]
October 29, 2023

Concerns over too much borrowing dominate debate in Senate on $14 million loan for blue economy project

They had another opportunity in the Senate on Thursday with a US$7 million (BZ$14 million) loan from the Inter-American Development Bank to execute a blue economy [...]
October 29, 2023

New traffic laws set to transform road safety in Belize

One of the major shifts pertains to seatbelt use. As it stands, the existing legislation mandates only drivers and front-seat passengers to strap in. Adele Catzim-Sanchez, [...]
October 29, 2023

Foreign Minister issues latest statement of support for Palestine in Israel-Hamas war

In response, Israeli operations have cost nearly nine thousand lives, most Palestinian. The amount of explosives that have been dropped on Gaza exceeds 12,000 tons, Courtenay [...]
October 29, 2023

Referendum Act now includes provision for mandatory referendum on amendment to moratorium

The government had promised that if it ever changed its position on offshore oil exploration, it would go to the public in a referendum first. Following [...]
October 29, 2023

Belize stands with majority in UN vote for Gaza humanitarian truce

The resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, with 120 out of 193-member countries supporting it. Alongside Belize, other CARICOM (Caribbean Community) [...]
October 28, 2023

United Democratic Party says ‘return the Tenth’

The United Democratic Party claims that this is another example of a ‘policy’ to minimize the significance of the date, mentioning reduction of allocations from the [...]
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