August 31, 2023

The Belize Investment Summit 2023 is officially open at San Pedro

By Celeste Chang: Prime Minister and Minister in charge of Investment, John Briceño, has welcomed worldwide investors to the second installment of the Belize Investment Summit. [...]
August 31, 2023

Move Tenth parade to Monday, say churches

In a statement issued today, the Council of Churches cites past convention that the parade and official ceremony which it follows, when falling on a Sunday, [...]
August 31, 2023

UDP Belize Rural South Executive Committee refuses to join protest in San Pedro during investment summit

The planned protests, designed to vocalize the concerns over Minister Andre Perez’s actions, will be held on Ambergris Caye. Although the BRS UDP Executive acknowledged Minister [...]
August 30, 2023

Second annual Investment Summit attracts more participants than anticipated

According to sources, the organisers had initially catered for 500 guests but Prime Minister John Briceño confirmed via a Facebook post today that the summit has [...]
August 30, 2023

PUP objectors no-show in court as “Shyne” Barrow voter residency case dismissed

The case was brought as part of the revision of the voters’ list done by all Magistrates in each district and the Chief Magistrate in the [...]
August 30, 2023

MoECST refutes claims by Belize National Teachers’ Union President

The MoECST emphasized its unwavering commitment to working hand in hand with the BNTU, educational managers, and both local and international associates in the transition to [...]
August 30, 2023

Leader of the Opposition meets with former Grenada Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell

Mitchell has led the New National Party (NNP) since 1989 and twice served as Prime Minister, and as noted by Barrow is the only Caribbean or [...]
August 30, 2023

Ministry of Health hosts Non-Communicable Diseases Back-to-school Expo

It was held as a reminder for youths to start making healthier choices today to reduce the risks of NCDs. The official ceremony was held this [...]
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