The PLO is a Palestinian nationalist coalition that is internationally recognized as the official representative of the Palestinian people in both the Palestinian territories and the [...]
The amendment, which took effect on November 29, 2024, repeals and replaces section 30 of the Act, allowing individuals with no other criminal records to apply [...]
Barrow and his attorney Dr Christopher Malcolm are targeting Albert Area Representative Tracy Panton and Phillipa Griffith Bailey, seeking to impose restrictions on the respondents regarding [...]
Speaking on Wednesday, Fonseca said that based on reports back to the Ministry from school management authorities, “over 95 percent of these issues have been resolved, [...]
George Price Day since its establishment in 2021 is always observed on January 15, Price’s birthday. This year it has proven a bit disruptive for the [...]
Gandhi practiced law but is best known for leading the non-violent campaign to obtain independence for India from the United Kingdom, which took place in 1947, [...]